The next Kickstarter Spammer Justbacker

Just got another spam mail for a Kickstarter project. This time from located in "335 Lowell Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301" according to the mail. So another mail to my old Kickstarter email address which was part of the Kickstarter Hack/Leak in 2014. And from my experience with Kickstarter they seem to tolerate this and does nothing against. None of my reports had any verifiable effect and I never got any reponse, not even something like "stop sending us is this shit".
The spamvertised product is Tech Belt by Filippo Moratoo and is a Kickstarter Team Favorite. 
The mail was received from / Never heard of before, The description on their homepage says The only cannabis payments & rewards app. WTF? Why sends a cannabis payment company spam for kickstarer project and what the hell are cannabis payments? Oh, the hoster are my old friends from contabo. The referer redirection is also using and is hosted at, but for unknown reasons Spamcop wants to send a report to Amazon AWS.


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